Author: Nicola Iannelli-Popham

West Suffolk Historic Building Conservation CPD training for lecturers (October 2017)

As part of the change in the method of student training from a lecture course to practical experience, BTT sponsored a CPD day for West Suffolk College Construction lecturers at Orchard Barn Community run Environmental Education Centre at Ringshall, Stowmarket.

The lecturers described it as “a brilliant day” and “a very useful opportunity to understand materials and workmanship better”, as well as giving them an opportunity to think and talk about applying what they had learnt to student experience – particularly for the BTT PoDs.

West Suffolk College/Bury Town Trust 2017 Historic Building Conservation Course Scholars receiving their awards

West Suffolk College students visit Lavenham

Town Trust makes £50,000 grant to Bury St Edmunds Guildhall

In July 2016, the Trust made a grant of £50,000 to the town’s historic, 12th century Guildhall, the money being earmarked for re-roofing.

This essential work will help to secure the long-term future of this important building, enabling the Guildhall Trustees to expand its use by the community.

WSC Students on a Site Visit

WSC Students at Bulmer Brick & Tile Co. 29.03.17

As one of a number of visits which form part of the Bury Town Trust free course at the West Suffolk College, Historic Building Conservation Course students visited the  Bulmer Brick and Tile Company near Sudbury on 29 March 2017.